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Genus Amblyomma

General Characteristics of the Genus:

  • Most species have whitish markings, long palpi, a long hypostome, and festoons on the posterior margin of the abdomen.

  • 90 species. Eight of which are found in the United States, Amblyomma being more common in the tropics.

  • Found east of central Texas to the Atlantic Coast and northward to Iowa.

Lone Star Tick, Amblyomma americanum
(Also called Speck Back Tick in the Ozark Mountains)


  •  Females: Conspicuous silvery-white spot at the tip of the scutum

  •  Males: The pale markings are diffuse on the male specimens.

  • Commonly Carry Spotted Fever, Tularemia, and possibly Q Fever.

  • Common hosts are livestock, dogs, deer, birds and man.

Where Found: Southern states east of Texas this species will bite man readily in the larval, nymphal and adult stages
Gulf Coast Tick, Amblyomma maculatum


  • Spurs on the second, third and fourth pairs of legs

  •  More diffuse pale markings on the female than does the lone star tick.

  • Commonly Carry Rickettsia parkeri Rickettsiosis

  • Common hosts are livestock, deer, dogs and man

  • The ticks often infest the ears of cattle. Screwworm flies are often attracted by the smell of fresh blood in these wounds, laying eggs in them. Later screwworm larvae may feed voraciously, cause festering sores that can kill cattle

Where Found: Along the Gulf and South Atlantic coastlines

The Lyme Association of Greater Kansas City is a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation organized under the Missouri Non-Profit Corporation Act.

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