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Genus Ixodes

General Characteristics of the Genus:

  • Ticks in the genus Ixodes are easily recognized by the position of the anal groove, which lies in front of the anus and extends from one side of the body to the other.

  • There are 34 species of ticks in the genus Ixodes in the United States, more than in any other genus. Male specimens have a complicated arrangement of plates on the ventral side of the abdomen. Most species have enlarged club-like palps.

The black-legged tick, Ixodes scapularis


  • an adult female black-legged tick  is red and dark brown, while an adult male black-legged tick  is smaller and dark in color

  • Commonly Carry Lyme disease, human anaplasmosis, or babesiosis.

  • Common hosts: Male and female specimens are frequently found mating on deer, dogs and other large mammals in the fall and winter. This species will also feed on man and birds.

Where Found: Eastern half of the United States.
The Western Black-legged tick, Ixodes pacificus


  • an adult female black-legged tick  is red and dark brown, while an adult male black-legged tick  is smaller and dark in color

  • Commonly Carry Anaplasmosis and Lyme Disease

  • Common hosts are The life cycle of this three-host tick is two to three years. The larvae and nymphs attack small mammals, and the adults obtain their blood meals from large mammals including man (deer, cattle and man).

Where Found: Western Black-legged ticks are found mostly in the Western US

The Lyme Association of Greater Kansas City is a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation organized under the Missouri Non-Profit Corporation Act.

P.O. Box 785 Belton, MO 64012  |  Email:  |  Phone: 913.438.5963

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